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Step by Step Guide to Maximizing Your Affiliate Earnings

To maximize your affiliate earnings, instead of capitalizing on one of the three methods of referral, find ways to implement and execute all 3 within your business.
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Published on
October 24, 2022

To maximize your affiliate earnings, instead of capitalizing on one of the three methods of referral, find ways to implement and execute all 3 within your business.

On the front end, if there is aged data, or prior installs that have not been touched on for some time, (with an approved process) have our affiliate outreach team cold call clients to test the waters on receptivity to solar, and see what level of interest your warm audience has to making the switch.

For your new clients introduce a hybrid approach of referral and appointment set opportunities to closers, and your field teams that operate on the sales and installation side. Provide an incentive for compensation based on the net brought forward off of each deal to incentivize them to implement these changes.

Utilize our team to assist in implementation. Many affiliates provide the tools to their teams, but without live examples for implementation, they can create mental obstacles for implementation versus recognizing the ease and impact on their own income implementation will have. We often shadow teams and assist with implementation as a complimentary service to create a team dynamic and get the ball rolling, build relationships, and most importantly have fun in adding to the business!

Try the product or service yourself! A lot of people overlook the value of utilizing the product they are carrying. We implement a friends and family deal for all affiliate partners to utilize the service they will be carrying over to their partners, where we pay for their first year of power! that way they can really soak up the benefits and pull from real experience on how energy security feels!

All in all living in alignment with what your providing to the homeowner, which is 5-figure savings, energy security, and increased equity over the life of the system, go towards promoting and bringing forward something that will have lasting change! Not only for the homeowners we serve, but the partner employees in our shared businesses!

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